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Word97 PrintControl400 macro  Copy an iSeries spoolfile to file with *PRTCTL, transfer it to your PC (FTP or CA/400) and load it as text in Microsoft Word. Run this macro and you'll have an exact copy of the spoolfile ready to file on CD-ROM or distribute through email.
HAC CodeChart This codechart lists the (hexa-)decimal values for the EBCDIC and ASCII 256 character sets, in Word97 format.
FTPS setup on RHEL5 A step-by-step guide with example configurations to allow for quickly installation of a Secure FTP server on RedHat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 5 (pdf).
OpenLDAP LDAPS Setup on RHEL5 A step-by-step guide with example configurations to allow for quickly installation of an LDAPS server and client on RedHat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 5 (zip). A bash IPv4 calculator. This script calculates IPv4 mask bits, netmask, network en broadcast addresses, in CIDR notation. A variation on the tool ipcalc, shipped with RedHat 5 (and other Linux flavors?).